TITAN Tablet Inspection System
IOS uses its TITAN Tablet to log critical inspection results from any location simplifying paperwork and increasing data integrity.
Our proprietary TITAN inspection system provides customers with 24/7 secure access to inspection reports, invoices, and the ability to download, save and print files. Reports, invoices and supporting inspection documentation such as pictures are available immediately upon completion of inspection.

Custom inspection reports from proprietary TITAN Tablet Inspection System
Features and benefits:
- Flexible billing system with abilities to approve work upon completion, or at your convenience through our website.
- Tallies can be downloaded as PDF’s or in XLS format, for ease of use.
- Custom reporting options are available; this can be inspection reports, or reporting functions in the system.
- TITAN has a built in data analysis tool, available to the customer through our website. This feature enables our customers to review inspection results and damages, to build and analyze trends.